
作者: 时间:2020-04-13 点击数:

201812月毕业于山东农业大学,获得农学博士学位。主讲《生物统计学》和《智慧农业》等课程。多年来,一直从事小麦基因定位及分子设计育种研究工作。在《Crop Protection》《PloS ONE》等期刊上发表学术论文2篇。


[1] Qu C, Guo Y, Kong F, et al. Molecular mapping of two quantitative trait loci for adult-plant resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Crop Protection, 2018, 114: 137-142.

[2] Guo Y, Zhang Z, Guo B, Qu C, Zhang M et al. QTL mapping for quality traits using high-density genetic map of wheat [J]. PloS one, 2020.

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